Palvelut ja hinnasto


Kaihi eli harmaakaihi tarkoittaa silmän linssin eli mykiön samentumista. Tämä on ikään liittyvä ilmiö, ja sen yleisyys johtuu siitä, että ihmisten elinikä on pidentynyt. Kun mykiö samentuu, se päästää vähemmän valoa lävitseen ja sumentaa näköä.

Varaa aika

Symptoms of cataracts may include increased need for light, color changes, glare, changes in the appropriate eyeglass prescription, and blurred vision. Cataracts usually develop slowly, so changes may not be very noticeable. On the other hand, even incipient cataracts can significantly interfere with vision.

Cataracts develop in almost everyone as they age, but there are large individual differences. There is no way to prevent or slow down the development of cataracts. The only treatment for cataracts is surgery. Cataract surgery is a procedure in which your own cloudy lens is replaced with a new, clear plastic lens. The cloudy lens is removed using an ultrasound device, and the plastic lens is placed inside the eye in the same place as the original lens. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia, meaning the eye is numbed with eye drops. The surgery usually takes 10-15 minutes, and you can go home soon after the surgery. Vision is usually clear the day after the surgery. After the surgery, it is possible to see clearly even without glasses, far away, near, or both, depending on the characteristics of the eye and the strength and type of lens to be inserted into the eye. We will explain the options and together we will choose the lens that best suits each patient and eye.

With us, you can have cataract surgery whenever you want. You will meet your surgeon before and after the surgery, and you can discuss your vision needs and wishes with him before the surgery. This way, the best lens solution can be chosen for you.

  • Kaihileikkaus yksitehoinen linssi, 1 silmä 1650 €
  • Kaihileikkaus yksitehoinen tai hajataittoa korjaava linssi, 1 silmä (sisältää tarvittaessa lasertarkennuksen) 2150 €
  • Kaihileikkaus monitehoinen linssi, 1 silmä (sisältää tarvittaessa lasertarkennuksen) 2995 €
  • Jälkikaihin YAG-laserhoito 1 silmä 399 €
  • Voit maksaa hoidon myös osamaksulla! Lue lisää ›
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Mika Harju

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Nina Lindbohm

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Olli Wetterstrand

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Pasi Allinen

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Petteri Ylinen

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Raimo Uusitalo

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Samy Mrena

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Henrik Bygglin

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Anna Korsbäck

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Matts Linder

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